Sub Segmentation: If business want to achieve most of its marketing budget then segmentation of customers based on characteristics such as, age, income, personality traits or behavior is very important.
Top Down Approach: Top down analysis helps business determine total market, then estimation of your business share inside the market.
Competitive Edge : Identifying the features of your business with maximize your operation efficiency and increase your product or service appeal to attain high ROI.

Bottom-Up Analysis: Bottom up approach helps organization to analyse where product can be sold along with sales of comparable products and slice of current market share.
Demand & Supply Analysis: Shift in equilibrium between demand and supply shifts the market to another level very quickly as supply and price of product are very closely related.
Static Market Analysis: Strategy is basic foundation of every business from Conglomerate to Grocery Store. Hence Profshare help your business to understand competitors and prevent from eroding your own market.